Anna University, Chennai-25, India

Abroad Assignments

S.No. Name of the Country & City Organization / University Visited Nature of Visit Period
1. Singapore Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University The Leadership for Academicians Programme (LEAP) 15/08/2022 20/08/2022
2. Scotland Erasmus Plus Staff Exchange Mobility, University of Edinburgh Staff Exchange Mobility 22/07/2019 26/07/2019
3. USA International Conferences on “Advances in Functional Materials (AFM) 2017” University of California, Los Angeles, USA Conference 12/08/2017 19/08/2017
4. Kuwait and Muscat Educational Exhibition at Kuwait and Muscat Educational Exhibition 12/01/2017 18/01/2017
5. Dubai and Abu Dhabi Educational Exhibition at Dubai and Abu Dhabi Educational Exhibition 18/01/2017 22/01/2017
6. Italy, Castellaneta Marina International Conference on Atmospheric Dust Conference 01/06/2014 06/06/2014
7. USA International Conference, ASTMH Annual Meet’12 Conference 11/11/2012 17/11/2012
8. Japan Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Collaborative research activity Staff Training-TEQIP(Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme) 20/11/2007 20/12/2007
9. Malaysia, Sabah International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Conference 08/12/2005 10/12/2005
10. USA Water environment federation, USA Conference 22/08/2004 24/08/2004
11. USA Colorado State University Visiting fellow 1988-1989
12. Norwich, U.K School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England Visiting Scientist 11/09/1995 14/09/1995
13. Bolgana, Italy National Research Council, Bolgana European Community, Marie Curie- Award for Research Training 01/12/1994 30/09/1995
14. Parma, Italy National Research Council, Parma Lab Visit 01/09/1990 31/10/1990
15. Bolgana, Italy National Research Council, Bolgana Lab Visit and Training 01/08/1990 30/08/1990
16. France, Toulouse CEMES, LOE/CNRS, International Conference on Crystallography- IUCr Grant Lab visit and To Participate in International Conference 16/07/1990 19/07/1990
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Department of Applied Science and Technology
Alagappa College of Technology
Anna University, Chennai
Tamilnadu 600025, India



200+ Publications
10000+ Citations
3 Patents


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