Anna University, Chennai-25, India

Research Contributions-Ongoing

Sl. No. Title of Project Name of the Funding Agency Duration of the Project Amount of Grant ( Lakhs) PI / Co-PI
1. An integrated anaerobic digestion and microbial electrolysis system for the enhancement of Methane production from waste Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi 2019 to 2022 (Ongoing) 9,09,600.00 Mentor
2. Immobilized alkaline protease as a Biocatalyst for the extraction of fat from Leather Fleshing waste Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 2019 to 2022 (Ongoing) 21,58,080.00 Mentor
3. Exploiting Natural Crosslinking Agents for Fabrication of Chitosan Based Hydrogels University Grants Commission 2019 to 2022 (Ongoing) 25,32,000.00 Mentor

Research Contributions-Completed

Sl. No. Title of Project Name of the Funding Agency Duration of the Project Amount of Grant ( Lakhs) PI / Co-PI
1. Biofuel Production From Algae Centre for Technology Development and Transfer-Anna University 2019 to 2020 (Completed) 24,500.00 Guide
2. Green Diesel Production from Biomass Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology 2018 to 2029 (Completed) 7,500.00 Guide
3. Design And Development Of Reactor For The Catalytic Conversion Of Crude Glycerol Into Methanol Centre for Technology Development and Transfer-Anna University 2018 to 2019 (Completed) 15,000.00 Guide
4. Production of Bio-Diesel From Waste Cooking Oil Using A Heterogeneous Catalyst In A Pilot Plant Centre for Technology Development and Transfer-Anna University 2017 to 2018 (Completed) 24,838.00 Guide
5. A Sustainable and Green Approach for Biomethane Enrichment by Biogas Recirculation and Algae Bioscrubbing University Grants Commission 2017 to 2020 (Completed) 24,838.00 PI
6. Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor(SBR) for biogas production and methane enrichment using effluent University Grants Commission 2016 to 2021 (Completed) 19,71,000.00 Mentor
7. A sustainable and green approach towards production of biohydrogen and biomethane from solid and liquid waste using anaerobic process University Grants Commission 2016 to 2021 (Completed) 19,71,000.00 Mentor
8. Green building and energy efficient cooling system for sustainable buildings in India Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi 22-12-2016 to 21-12-2019 (Completed) 60,22,300.00 Co-PI
9. Differential effect of 20 HETE mediating VEGF and no induced changes in tissues by direct signaling mechanism Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, New Delhi 22-12-2016 to 21-12-2019 (Completed) 54,53,000.00 Co-PI
10. Development of integrated membrane Bioreactor for waste water treatment Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. 26-06-2013 to 26-06-2016 (Completed) 26,30,000.00 Co-PI
11. Hydrothermal synthesis of Mesoporous Carbon for effective removal of textile dye University Grants Commission, New Delhi 11-01-2011 to 28-02-2014 (Completed) 8,43,800.00 PI
12. Synthesis of modified vinyl monomer grafted cellulose bearing functional containing donor atoms for the removal of heavy metals from industrial effluents University Grants Commission, New Delhi 11-01-2011 to 28-02-2014 (Completed) 12,00,000.00 Co-PI
13. Development of membrane materials &membranes for gas & organic separation Defence Research & Development Establishment 17-12-2008 to 16-04-2010 (Completed) 9,78,000.00 Co-PI
14. Studies on novel Nano and ultra-filtration membranes for treatment Defence Research & Development Establishment 01-02-2009 to 31-01-2012 (Completed) 5,81,800.00 Co-PI
15. Investigation on the formation of photochemical Ozone and it’s with alkenes-laboratory and field studies Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi. 01-08-2003 to 31-07-2006 (Completed) 17,89,200.00 PI

Our Funding Sources

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Department of Applied Science and Technology
Alagappa College of Technology
Anna University, Chennai
Tamilnadu 600025, India



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